“Why are you

“I live through
that way.” He pointed into the dense trees behind them. “I heard you crying
while I was playing in the woods,” the boy explained, looking nervous.
“It’s my
birthday today and I wanted to wear my favorite dress with pink and blue
stripes but my mom made me wear this yellow dress and it scratches my skin,”
she confessed sadly.
Adalynne slipped
off the swing and closed the distance between them. The boy took a hesitant
step back with her approach. “What’s your name?” she asked curiously. He didn’t
answer her question but instead looked behind him, anxious and ready to flee.
“Don’t go,” she pleaded.

When she was
close enough she reached out and took his hand to confirm he was real. His hand
trembled beneath her fingers as she held it gently. “My name is Adalynne,” she said
softly. He looked back at her with wide eyes. Not even a hint of a smile on his
lips. “It’s my mother’s name too.” She found herself talking out of fear he
would leave if she didn’t keep his interest. “It’s probably why she wants me to
be just like her.” Though he remained quiet he seemed to be interested in her
words. “Sometimes I wonder if I had another name it would be different and I
wouldn’t have to wear uncomfortable clothes, and she would just let me be me
and have fun.”
“You want a
different name?” he whispered. He seemed puzzled by her, as if she were a
strange creature that mysteriously washed up on shore, his curiosity keeping
him captivated.
“Yes! I would
love another name.” Adalynne reached out and took his other hand in hers as
well. He looked down at his hands tightly clasped in hers.
“What would you
want your name to be?” he asked.
giggled. “Hmmm…” She pondered the thought. The idea of picking her own name
excited her. She watched a bee hover over some nearby flowers and her smile
deepened. “Bee,” she responded happily. “Because then I could wear stripes all
the time and play in the flowers whenever I wanted.”
He smiled back
at her then. It was simply beautiful. “What would you choose?” she asked
happily, her tears forgotten now. He shrugged his shoulders and slowly tried to
pull his hand from hers but Adalynne was scared to let him go. There was
something different about this boy that drew her to him. “How about…” Adalynne
thought about what was befitting of the boy in front of her. She remembered
when she was playing in her backyard and saw a fox peeking through the trees.
It left as quickly as it came without a sound. She never told her mother for
fear she wouldn’t let her play outside anymore. “Fox?” He could be her secret
Adalynne grew
excited with her suggestion. “You remind me of a fox because you are quick,
quiet and…beautiful.” The smile fell from her lips. “You don’t like it?”
“No…I do…I like
it,” he responded with a small smile, bringing her own back to life.
“I like you,”
she confessed.
“Adalynne!” She turned back toward her house when
she heard her mother call her name. The boy pulled his hands from hers and
retreated back into the woods as quiet as he came. It felt like he took a piece
of her with him when he left. Her sadness returned as she walked toward her mother’s
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