Monday 6 July 2015

Summer Time!

Well the month of June flew by! My daughter has officially completed high school and is ready to take on the world. I have two more months until she moves out. I wish I could make this summer last forever and she can't wait for it to end!

Now summer is here in full swing! I normally admit defeat at this point and don't actually work on my writing
because my boys are home and there is never a quiet moment for me to put thoughts together BUT this summer my plan is to attempt to continue making progress on my next book. I am still hopeful to find success for Alluring Song. My ideal plan would be to publish my next one with profits from my first book. We shall see if this is feasible or not. At this point I am still very much in the red. Patience, patience, patience, persistence and hope!

I do my best writing in the morning, large cup of tea, by myself, with music playing in the background.

With summer here my writing will be whenever time allows, with loud children in the background, constant interruptions, and since we spend so much time outside I will be "old schooling it" with pen and paper! ... though I wouldn't have it any other way! I love our summers :)

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