Thursday, 6 August 2015

Wonderful News!

I am very excited to announce I have signed a contract with Limitless Publishing for Truth or Dare!!!

I have been very busy lately getting the manuscript ready for their editing process.
My main goal was to get the word count down. I had to cut out 10,000 words because it was too long! I managed without too many tears ;)

When I wrote Truth or Dare I had no intention of publishing it. I was still a closet writer at the time so it was a little rough around the edges. I had lots of polishing to do to make it ready :)

I love that Limitless Publishing is making it possible for me to present it to the world. I am looking forward to working with them and learning how the process works.

I am not sure about the timeline for a release date yet but it is officially in the works! I will keep you posted :)

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