Tuesday 10 March 2015

Leading By Example

When I decided that I was going to invest time into my writing, taking it from a beloved hobby into something I could actively pursue as a possible career endeavour, I had no idea that it would have such a positive effect on my children.

Until recently my writing has always been done when I had spare time. After I sent my children off to school, started the laundry, cleaned, grocery shopping, planned meals, organized schedules... I would not sit down until I knew everything else was taken care of. I am a perfectionist when it comes to running my household and at first it was a struggle to let things go a bit so I could invest the time needed. I felt guilty allowing myself to devote that much time into something just for me, when I had a family to think about.

Once I decided I needed to do this, allowing myself to explore something I had entertained in my mind for as long as I could remember, I found the time. I made the time. Now, I wonder why I did not do it sooner. I am excited with the possibilities that lay before me and am happier because of it.

I can see my own excitement reflected in my children. My boys ask me about my book all the time. My oldest son even wrote his own book, complete with wonderful pictures. It made me so proud when I saw him put so much time and effort into it. My daughter told me the other day that I was her role model! For anyone who has a teenage daughter that is a rare and valuable treasure.

Even if this path does not lead me to success, the benefits have already made it all worth while. My children can see me following my heart. The best thing we can do as parents is lead by example.

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