Tuesday 29 September 2015

Reviews for Alluring Song

Here are some quotes from some of the lovely people who read and posted a review for Alluring Song!

"While reading Alluring Song the only word that came to mind through the entire book was that it was just Magical. I loved the plot and all the characters roles in the story. It all went together so well." Goodreads review

"Upon starting this book, I was immediately swept up in the story. It was beautifully written - almost poetically so - and it read like a bit of a fairy tale for older teens and adults." Goodreads review

"This book is a bit of an emotional roller coaster that leaves you guessing what will happen next until the very end, I give it an A+!" Goodreads review

"Aimee McNeil is a wonderful writer, her descriptions of the settings are gorgeous - you feel like you're really there among the plot and the characters jump to life off of the page!" Goodreads review

"6/5 stars! Oh, my goodness!!! Where do I start? This is one of the best debut novels I have had the pleasure of reading!" Goodreads review

For the complete reviews check out the following sites... Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25485510-alluring-song
Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Alluring-Song-Aimee-McNeil-ebook/dp/B00Y1THTYG

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